Heart Break
Heartbreak Support LLC, originally was founded with the intention of facilitating a game plan for
surviving divorce to a much greater audience. I founded a couple of divorce support groups and
eventually became involved with a very large Facebook presence that drew members from as far away
as the United Kingdom and Singapore. It was then that I realized that the world was starved for this type
of support.
I created a set of rules for myself when I was fresh into the divorce process to follow when I was feeling
despair. From time to time when I caught myself with tears in my eyes thinking about my broken family,
I would simply pull out my phone, open it to the notepad and remind myself of these personal rules. It
helped immensely. Eventually I would start sharing my rules with fellow group members.
Someone once told me that sharing some of my rules for heartbreak had saved her. Others began asking
me for a copy of “the rules” and you can find them within this website. (under the Game Plan tab)
Eventually “word of mouth” spread about the divorce support group meetings and I started drawing
different types of heartbroken people. Now I believe it is my life’s purpose to help people navigate
It is my hope that you find something on this website that helps you heal faster and shows you a path to
a brighter tomorrow.
"And I know what I have to do now. I gotta keep breathing because tomorrow
the sun will rise ……..and who knows what the tide may bring."
—Cast Away, Tom Hanks
***Please note that this is not a certified group, I am NOT a licensed marriage counselor, psychiatrist, psychologist or social worker and none of the other facilitators are as well but we can refer you in that direction if you feel the need.