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Our Mission

It is my fondest wish that all of you tame your internal dialogue or what is also referred to as your “mental chatter”. 

Yes, of course the purpose of the website is to give you a road map for moving as quick as you possibly can out of your heartbreak, but the facts are that it doesn’t matter what you find within this website or how many of my rules you adopt if you’re consistent pounding away at your subconscious with that internal self-critic. Now everyone talks to themselves. That’s normal. I am specifically talking about beating yourself up for a wrong decision or for something you did that didn’t work out the way you wanted.

An essential key to Happiness is your internal dialogue and I am talking about those first thoughts that go through your head each morning after you open your eyes along with about 68,000+ others you whisper to yourself throughout your day including that last one you have this very night when you turn off the light beside your bed that will marinate within your dreams.


I’m talking about how you talk to yourself.


Have you ever considered whose voice it is that you hear inside your head? (Hint: look in the mirror)


Be kind to yourself.


Dr. Guy Winch says that if you wouldn’t say those negative things that you beat yourself down with to a good friend, then DON'T say them to yourself.


Thoughts like:


“I'm a loser.”


“I am never going to find anyone.” 

"With my luck, it will never happen for me."


“I’m going to die alone.”


Can you imagine telling someone you care about deeply, "You know you are never going to find anyone, and you'll die alone."

If you wouldn't say these types of things to a dear friend—then DO NOT say them to yourself.

You can make significant progress with this within a week, so start today. I would learn how to do affirmations. You also must learn how to do them correctly, so you do not expand the “negative” into your world.


You bring about what you think about.


The Kingdom of Heaven is "within". 


As Ye think, so shall Ye be.

It’s in every religion.


It is a Universal Truth.


© 2020 Divorce Support Group, Inc./ - All Rights Reserved
No portion of this site can be reprinted without express permission.

How We Help

Our goal is to help you navigate heartbreak in a far shorter time than you would have on your own and to connect you with your peers who are experiencing the same loss.


McKinney Divorce Support Group

8751 Collin McKinney Pkwy, McKinney, TX

Tuesday Nights 7-9 PM


Forth Worth Divorce Support Group


1949 Golden Heights Rd, Fort Worth, TX 76177

Tuesday Nights 7-9 PM

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