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Abusive Relationship

This is a very difficult situation to break away from because the majority of you are unaware
that you are addicted to abuse, therefore the pain that you have been experiencing is not
really heartbreak.

It is withdrawal symptoms.

So, there is a strict game plan.

For starters, you can no longer have contact with your dealer. Someone else can do it for
you. My book Annihilation covers this subject and a game plan to follow in much greater
depth, but for starters I would attend a divorce support group. Go to therapy if you can
afford it.

If you have been going to therapy and have not been diagnosed with the Trauma Bond or
had it explained to you, then one of 2 things needs to happen immediately.

#1 Therapy doesn’t work unless you tell on yourself.

Example: You tell me in the first coaching session something that I pulled out of you from
childhood and that same “something” you never shared with your therapist in 15 years. 

No one can help you unless you tell on yourself. If you’re going to hide things, then don’t
spend the money on therapy.

#2 Get a new therapist.

Using the prior example. How did I pull out of you something that is critical to your healing
that your therapist missed for 15 years?

Part of being a healer is intuition. You can tell when someone skipped something, and they
are hoping you didn’t notice.

Plus as with all professions, there are really really good therapists, there are really really
bad ones and there are “criminal” therapists. A criminal therapist in my opinion is the
therapist who tells you everything you want to hear so that you keep coming back. (and
paying them) If a narcissist ever gives in and starts going to therapy, they will keep looking
and looking until they find the criminal therapist or a really weak one that they can
manipulate easily.

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How We Help

Our goal is to help you navigate heartbreak in a far shorter time than you would have on your own and to connect you with your peers who are experiencing the same loss.


McKinney Divorce Support Group

8751 Collin McKinney Pkwy, McKinney, TX

Tuesday Nights 7-9 PM


Forth Worth Divorce Support Group


1949 Golden Heights Rd, Fort Worth, TX 76177

Tuesday Nights 7-9 PM

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