Me and my husband and our three beautiful boys we’re at NFL game in Carolina two summers back when the battery on my cell phone ran out and I needed to make a call to my brother back home.
Naturally, I asked my husband to borrow his phone. He smiled, gave it to me and took the boys to a kiosk to get slushes to give me some privacy. In the middle of opening his phone, my husband got a text from a number that I didn’t recognize. Whoever this person was, they were hinting at something of the sexual nature.
When I opened the actual text chain to read the history between my husband and this person, I was stunned to find that he was having an affair—with another man.
My world went black. It is unimaginable the questions that I was asking myself in terms of my failures or perceived ones for that matter. The assault is relentless to this day.
My husband vanished next. He didn’t even wait around for the divorce. This was because of all the lies that I would uncover next. The affair was just the tip of the iceberg. I receive no child support but he’s gone. It’s probably better this way except for the boys. 😔